Sunday, July 7, 2013

Top 10 Health Tips

Top 10 Health Tips

Staying healthy can be as simple as making some small lifestyle and diet changes. Get started on your path to wellness with these quick and easy tips.
  1. Wake Up and Drink: Sleep promotes dehydration, so drink a glass of water before slurping your tea or coffee when you first wake up.
  2. Go Bananas: Bananas are perfect energy boosters, with only 99 calories and 0.1g fat. They make a great go-to snack just before a high-energy workout.
  3. Sweet Treat: Swap high-sugar and fat desserts for diet jelly with natural yoghurt.
  4. Can Soft Drinks: A study by researchers from the University of Texas found a 70 per cent increase in weight among people who drank soft drinks compared with those who didn't.
  5. Opt for Wholefoods: Eat more green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, spirulina, berries, dark chocolate, white tea, soybeans, flaxseeds, broccoli, cabbage, and Asian greens. They provide health-boosting phytonutrients.
  6. Don't Forget Your D: As well as building strong bones, vitamin D3 can help regulate the immune system and modulate mood. Look for naturally occurring vitamin D3 in purified cod-liver oil.
  7. Resistance Training: The more muscle you have, the more fat you can burn. Yes, that means pushups …
  8. Be Intense: Intensity is the best weight-loss training tool. The longer it takes you to recover, the more weight loss you can achieve.
  9. Mix It Up: Your body takes about six weeks to adjust to a new exercise routine. Change the way you train every six weeks to see continued improvement.
  10. Get a Massage: Remedial massage can increase circulation, loosen tight muscles, stimulate internal organs, and calm the nervous system.

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