Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Starvation is Unhealthy

Many people think that one of the easiest way to lose weight is to simple not eat. This is a terrible idea not only because it doesn’t work but also because it can lead to some very serious health problems. The belief is that if you stop putting calories into your body then the weight will just melt off. I guess this sounds justified but in reality it just is not the truth

So why wont you lose weight if you just stop eating? Well here is the reason.


If you could lose weight simply by not eating then why would there be such a huge market for diet pills andweight loss programs? Starving yourself and then gaining the weight back in a few days creates a cycle that is not only very harmful to your body but it makes it harder to achieve your weight loss goals. If you start to fast for a day, you will probably begin losing weight pretty fast. Unfortunately, 95% of the weight that you lose will be comprised of water weight as your body absorbs the fluids to try to replenish itself. Water weight will fall off very quickly but it will also return just as fast when you start to eat again.

Starvation Mode

Not eating will cause your body to automatically go into what is known as starvation mode. Your body realizes it is not getting enough nourishment so it begins storing fat to be consumed later. So as you are not eating to lose weight your body is actually retaining more fat cells. To produce energy, your body will first begin to burn muscle protein. Only when this muscle protein can longer be burned will your body start to burn fat and by then you will have some very serous health problems.

Decrease Metabolism

While your body is in starvation mode, your body will begin to conserve energy. This will make you feel tired and sluggish during the day. After you begin to eat again this low metabolism rate will burn calories at a much slower rate and make it harder for your body keep the pounds off.

Health Problems

As I mentioned, starving yourself is dangerous and can lead to many health problems. You will be tired and weak due to lack of energy. Your body will begin to eat away at muscle tissue since it doesn’t have enough nourishment. Without energy you will not be as active and there for you will not be burning fat and calories. Vitamins and nutrients are important for your body every day. Without eating you will not be getting enough of the important nutrients your body needs.

So what is the best way to lose weight?

Clinical studies have proven time and time again that the best way to lose weight is to follow a healthy, regulardiet plan. A healthy diet consists of no less than 1200 calories per day. Adding to that a good exercise routine that you perform three or four times a week will help you to lose weight and keep it off permanently. Being healthy is a lifestyle and takes commitment but the rewards are that you will look better, feel better, and have more energy in your life.

Be smart and don’t do anything that may endanger your health, you are trying to lose weight because you want to be more healthy. Not trying to make yourself sick. If your ready to learn how to lose weight the natural and healthy weight then you have to visit Diets and Dieting today for some great information to help you achieve your goals

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